The Real iDeal game made me think about what to prioritise in life. It is about managing your own life, as everybody has their own ideals
The Real iDeal game can be used successfully in schools, I think. It contains many elements that can make young people think about their future and what they need to consider.
Although complex, I think that the Real iDeal game is very interesting, and instructive. It teaches us how our every decision has consequences, and as adults, in life we have to know how to make them.
Order Our Games Order Games
You can order complete sets of our games to rent or buy. Contact Borderline Boardgames partners in specific countries to know their game distribution policies.…
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Book a Game Workshop Game Workshops
You can book a game workshop for your organisation. Contact Borderline Boardgames partners in specific countries to know when you want to book a game…
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Organise a Training with Us Trainings
You can organise a training activity centred around one of our educational boardgames. Contact Borderline Boardgames professional training team to co-design and organise a local…
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Organisations using games
Schools use games to make their lessons interactive. Not-for-profit organisations include games to address relevant topics. Companies train their staff to improve their performance.